Arrivederci, Roma

Rebecca Grawl, National Chair, DAR Tours & Events

Our week in Rome culminated with a special farewell dinner Friday at the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. During this sparkling evening, we took time to thank our incredible tour directors from Academic Travel Abroad (Emma Impavido, Elisabetta Amadi, Randall Salisbury, and Mauro Tonelli), whose knowledge and expertise were instrumental in helping us create memories of a lifetime during this Roman Holiday. Although the gala dinner meant it was time to say goodbye to some of our travel companions as they returned to their homes, our time in Italy was not over—the Sparkling Units Overseas Conference was just beginning!

–Pamela Wright, President General

What an incredible week it was here in Rome! NSDAR was honored to strengthen the ties of friendship and support between the United States and Italy. It was a particularly special opportunity to shine a light on Filippo Mazzei and his contributions to both the fight for American Independence and the ideals of our nation’s founding.

Our members enjoyed a special farewell dinner Friday evening at the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. This exquisite estate is home to a large art collection that includes works by Titian, Raphael, Caravaggio, and Velazquez, among others. Before sitting down to a gala dinner, we all enjoyed exploring the galleries and taking pictures with our DAR friends, old and new.

We presented special gifts to our amazing tour directors from Academic Travel Abroad—Emma Impavido, Elisabetta Amadi, Randall Salisbury, and Mauro Tonelli—who have made this past week so special. We are very appreciative of their knowledge and guidance throughout this adventure. A special gift was also presented to the President General: sewing scissors hand-crafted in the Campobasso region. It is to this region of Italy that Mrs. Wright traces her Italian lineage—and this particular pair of scissors was crafted in not only that very region but also in the same year as DAR’s founding, 1890.

We want to acknowledge the pages who have served throughout our week here in Rome. Their sparkle and hearts for service have made this week run beautifully. Thank you to Rebecca Hough, Paula Eichenbrenner, Gretchen Adams, Katarina Blakeslee, Allie Dunklin, Kate Johanns, Jacqueline Leahy, Mari Noorai, and Gwen Parks.

Although our Roman Holiday came to an end with Friday’s dinner, the Sparkling Units Overseas Conference began Saturday, Nov. 11. Units Overseas National Chair Shari Thorne-Sulima hosted Daughters from across our international chapters, with a special wreath-laying ceremony at the Protestant Cemetery of Testaccio. We look forward to hearing updates from this special event honoring our camaraderie with our international Daughters.

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