Lynn Young, President General

We are really starting to ramp up for Continental Congress! I can’t wait to welcome many of you to Washington, D.C. later this month and hope you will enjoy all we have in store for you this year.

To help get you excited for Congress and to keep you informed

I've been enjoying telling members about the exciting plans for our brand new evening event during the 123rd Continental Congress and I would love your help spreading the word to Congress attendees as well! Celebrate America Night will be held on Friday, June 27, 2014 from 7-10 pm on the

As we enter Spring, our planning for Continental Congress kicks into high gear and I want to update you on all the wonderful events being planned.

As you may remember from previous members’ announcements and blogs, we are making many updates to Congress this year. Some are small adjustments

The October Board provides a great opportunity to talk to the National Board of Management about a wide range of topics, including Continental Congress. I know you are just as eager as I am to make your plans for Continental Congress, so I wanted to let you in on some

The 122nd Continental Congress was a tremendous success with the largest attendance in recent years with registration in excess of 3,800.  Opening night featured Leigh Keno of Antiques Roadshow who discussed the value of some of the objects in our DAR Museum.  The entire audience chuckled when Merry Ann